Primary tooth treatment

Why is primary tooth treatment important?


Primary teeth:


  • Form spaces in the mouth for erupting permanent teeth
  • Help the jaws develop and form facial contours
  • Affect growth and weight gain
  • Influences the digestive system
  • Decayed teeth are a potential source of infection in the organism
  • If the teeth are lost prematurely, permanent teeth bite problems might develop
  • Children want a beautiful smile, just like adults 


Many parents still think that primary tooth treatment is not needed since the teeth will fall out. It is an incorrect attitude. Healthy primary teeth are important not only for chewing, but also for jaw growth and permanent teeth eruption. Therefore it is crucial to treat them. An untreated primary tooth starts aching, because the infection reaches the nerve and damages it. When a tooth starts aching, it causes huge stress for the child, he/she starts to fear treatment. Only healthy or treated primary teeth retain space for the permanent teeth.